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Tips for a successful moving day

Moving your home or office made easy

When you are moving your office or home to another location, there will be numerous things running through your mind. At Mannix Brothers Removals, we understand your requirements and take care of the packing and removals work. Our relocation agents will detail the various removals options we can provide, so you can choose a service that fits all your needs.

moving home cottages and luxury homes

The week before
your move

Store Important Documents

Put passports, house deeds, insurance documents etc. in a plain box or document case.

Label Boxes

Clearly label boxes by room ready for us to deliver to the correct room at your new home.

Redirect Mail

Let the Post Office know your new address and arrange to have post redirected.


Empty the fridge and freezer, defrost and ensure they are completely dry, ready for the move.

Alert Friends

Send out change of address cards to friends and relatives.

Confirm the final arrangements with Mannix Brothers Removals.

Moving services Flats and apartments

The day before
your move

Final Check

Make a final check of the whole house. You don’t want to forget something important.

Attic Check

Put your head up in the attic or loft to make sure you have removed anything that is going with you.

Pack a bag

Pack an overnight bag. Include your toothbrushes. wash-bag and some towels.

Charge Up

Charge your phone and other devices you may need.


Put a mini toolkit together. Include a torch and a knife to help open boxes.

Separate any items that are not going in the lorry. Overnight bag, change of clothes, mobile phones.

Removal company for new home owners

The day of
your move

Read Meters

Read all your utility meters and take photo of them to save arguments later.

Soft Furnishings

Strip the beds and take down any curtains that are going with you.

Personal Items

Clearly label any boxes that might be going in the car with you.


Leave all the keys as arranged for the new owners.


Check you have switched off the gas and electric and all windows are secured.

Give your contact details to the Mannix Brothers team. They’ll be able to stay in touch to reassure you all is in order.